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Podcast 44 - Should Paramedics Intubate? With Michael Perlmutter & Dr. Jeff Jarvis

Tyler Christifulli

My friend Michael Perlmutter posted a blog a few weeks ago on the evidence and education to support paramedics proficiency in intubation. In this podcast he elaborates on his position and we get some vantage points from Dr. Jeff Jarvis.

Papers referenced in this podcast:

1. Vithalani VD, Vlk S, Davis SQ, Richmond NJ. Unrecognized Failed Airway Management Using a Supraglottic Airway Device. Resuscitation. 2017;119:1-4.

2.Davis DP, Hoyt DB, Ochs M, et al. The effect of paramedic rapid sequence intubation on outcome in patients with severe traumatic brain injury. J Trauma. 2003;54:444-453.

3.Warner KJ, Sharar SR, Copass MK, Bulger EM. Prehospital management of the difficult airway: a prospective cohort study, J Emerg Med , 2011, vol. 36 (pg. 257-65)

4.Jarvis, et al. Implementation of a Clinical Bundle to Reduce Out-of-Hospital Peri-intubation Hypoxia. Annals of EM. 2018 5.Braude, et al. Rapid sequence airway using the LMA-Supreme as a primary airway for 9h in a multi system trauma patient. 6.Resuscitation. 2010 Braude, et al. Using Rapid Sequence Airway to Facilitate Preoxygenation and Gastric Decompression Prior to Emergent Intubation.

7.J Anesthesia and Clinical Research Wang, et al. Prehospital Rapid Sequence Intubation What Does the Evidence Show. 8.PEC. 2004 Cushman, et al. Effect of Intensive Physician Oversight on A Prehospital Rapid Sequence Intubation Program. 9.PEC. 2010 Frascone, et al. Supraglottic Airway Device Use as a Primary Airway During Rapid Sequence Intubation.

10.Air Medical Journal. 2013 Braude, et al. Rapid Sequence Airway RSA A Novel Approach To Prehospital Airway Management.

11.PEC. 2007 Warner, et al. Paramedic Training for Proficient Prehospital Endotracheal Intubation. PEC. 2010 Braude, et al. 12.Using Rapid Sequence Airway to Facilitate Preoxygenation and Gastric Decompression Prior to Emergent Intubation. J Anesthesia and Clinical Research Frascone, et al. Use of the King LTS D During Medication Assisted Airway Management. 13.PEC. 2009 Diggs, et al. An update on out-of-hospital airway management practices in the United States. Resuscitation. 14.2014 Carlson, et al. Paramedic Intubation: Does Practice Make Perfect? Annals of EM. 2017 Wang, Henry. The (Continued) Challenges of Out-of-Hospital Rapid Sequence Intubation.

15. Annals of EM. 2017 Dyson, et al. Paramedic Intubation Experience Is Associated With Successful Tube Placement but Not Cardiac Arrest Survival.

16. Annals of EM. 2017 Fouche, et al. Nonphysician Out-of-Hospital Rapid Sequence Intubation Success and Adverse Events: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

17. Annals of EM. 2017 Dunford, et al. Incidence of Transient Hypoxia and Pulse Rate Reactivity During Paramedic Rapid Sequence Intubation. Annals of EM. 2003 Wang, et al. Preliminary experience with a prospective, multi-centered evaluation of out-of-hospital endotracheal intubation.

18.Resuscitation. 2003 Lossius, et al. Patient safety in pre-hospital emergency tracheal intubation: a comprehensive meta-analysis of the intubation success rates of EMS providers.

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