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Podcast 71 - The Speaker's Atlas (Live Webinar)

Missed the webinar?? No Problem!

Join Tyler Christifulli & Sam Ireland from FOAMfrat as they launch their brand new course "The Speakers Atlas." In this webinar you will discover the incredible doors that can open up for you as an EMS provider and professional, when you dive into the world of educating and speaking.
Engage Your Audience

It's getting harder and harder to maintain the attention of your audience. The solution is an analytical understanding of cognitive deviation. We believe there is a lot we can learn from the world of marketing when it comes to the way we educate! You are asking the audience to invest.. their time.

Elevate Your Career

I am constantly hearing that EMS is a dead-end career, this has not been an issue for me. I believe this is largely due to my early adoption into education and speaking.Take your career to the next level and become a voice for your profession.

Open Up New Opportunities

The opportunities and networking are endless when you develop a reputation as an engaging and effective speaker. Create and begin to view yourself as a brand.


The Curriculum

Time: 1800-1930 CST

Materials Needed For Class: Presenting software (Keynote or PowerPoint Recommended), Sketch Book, Computer w/ Internet Capabilities.

**All classes will be recorded and uploaded to our LMS system for customer access & replay**

February 3rd: Content development

February 10th: Navigating presentation platform

February 17th: learning through animation

February 24th: The rules of engagement


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